fbpx Czech National Philharmonic Orchestra of Moravia | Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Czech National Philharmonic Orchestra of Moravia

Pavel Snajdr, conductor

Czech melodies and rhythms will soar throughout the Foellinger Great Hall when the Czech National Philharmonic Orchestra of Moravia arrives on its debut US tour, featuring the music of Antonín Dvořák and Bedřic Smetana. The program opens with Smetana’s brilliant overture to his opera The Bartered Bride, a pillar of the 19th century opera repertoire; Dvořák’s beloved Violin Concerto and his monumental Symphony No. 7 complete the program. Based in Olomouc, Moravia’s historic capital, the orchestra is one of the Czech Republic’s oldest and is renowned for its interpretations of the classics of Czech national music culture, and for its widely celebrated annual Dvořák Olomouc Festival.  


Bedřich Smetana: Overture to The Bartered Bride
Antonín Dvořák: Violin Concerto in A minor Op. 53


Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70

Endowed Underwriters

  • Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman & Vernon K. Zimmerman

Patron Underwriters

  • Carol & Willis Colburn

Patron Sponsors

  • Anastasia Economy, in memory of James Economy
  • Judith & Richard Kaplan

Patron Co-sponsors

  • Sherry & Nelson Beck
  • Ann & Stephen Long
  • Peggy & Christopher Huson
  • Anne & David Sharpe
  • Hana & David Wickersheimer

Event Details

Foellinger Great Hall
Su Feb 16, 2025 - 3:00pm CT
Advocate 80 / Standard 48 / SC 43 / STU 15 / UI & YTH 10 Choral Balcony: 15 / UI & YTH 10

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