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Quantum Voyages

Conceived and written by Smitha Vishveshwara and Latrelle Bright
Music by Stephen Taylor

Krannert Center for the Performing Arts celebrates the UNESCO 2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology with a re-envisioned performance of Quantum Voyages, a performance piece conceived and written by University of Illinois faculty Smitha Vishveshwara (Physics) and Latrelle Bright (Theatre Studies), with music by Stephen Taylor (Composition-Theory). Quantum Voyages premiered in 2018 at the University of Illinois in celebration of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Anthony Leggett’s 80th birthday.

Guided by Sapienza, the spirit of knowledge, two voyagers, Terra and Akash, enter the microscopic realm of atomic landscapes and quantum conundrums to discover a magnificent and baffling world foreign to everyday human experience. In moments of strife, quantum sages—real-life physicists—briefly appear to share their wisdom.

If you believe in the life-affirming experiences that Krannert Center and the performing arts at Illinois make possible, please make a gift: advancement@krannertcenter.illinois.edu, KrannertCenter.com/Give, or faa.illinois.edu/giving.

Event Details

Colwell Playhouse
Sa Apr 19, 2025 - 7:30pm CT

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