fbpx Honolulu Theatre for Youth: The Pa'akai We Bring | Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Honolulu Theatre for Youth: The Pa'akai We Bring

This original production introduces young audiences to the Native Hawaiian traditions around the cultivation of pa‘akai (salt). Traditionally, pa‘akai is food, medicine, a sacrament and a treasured gift. The Pa'akai We Bring follows multiple generations of salt farmers on Kauai, mixing in ancient stories, hula, live music, original songs, and plenty of audience participation into a tasty potluck of performance, joyously served up with aloha.

Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) is a theatre of place, deeply rooted in the cultures and people of the Pacific and dedicated to serving young people, families and educators across the Hawaiian Islands. Founded in 1955, HTY is one of the oldest professional Theatre for Young Audiences companies in the country and is recognized for its long history of innovative drama education programming and the creation of original theatrical works that celebrate the diverse cultures of Hawaiʻi.

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If you can, show your love for the arts by purchasing an "Advocate" ticket; the additional ticket cost directly benefits Krannert Center.

Endowed Co-sponsors

  • Susan & Michael Haney

Patron Sponsor

  • Cynthia Swanson
  • Brenda & Stephen Pacey

With deep gratitude, Krannert Center thanks all Patron Sponsors and Corporate and Community Sponsors.

If you believe in the life-affirming experiences that Krannert Center and the performing arts at Illinois make possible, please make a gift: advancement@krannertcenter.illinois.edu, KrannertCenter.com/Give, or faa.illinois.edu/giving.

Event Details

Studio Theatre
Sa Mar 23, 2024 - 10:00am CT
Advocate 60 / Standard 20 / SC 15 / STU 15 / UI & YTH 10

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