fbpx Dancing On the Ceiling: Performances by Women of a Certain Age | Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Dancing On the Ceiling: Performances by Women of a Certain Age

This unique group of award-winning, nationally, and internationally acclaimed solo dance artists, all women aged 50 and above, defy our expectations of aging and push the proverbial glass ceiling with their indomitable voices. Critics raved about their 2019 Glue Factory-produced concert, The World as We Know It, calling it “a blistering, ruthless, stunning, funny, and heartbreaking visual and physical masterpiece that challenges standards, status quo, bodily misgivings, and identity itself” (Pittsburgh in the Round).

The seven originating soloists of this company—Charlotte Adams, Beth Corning, Simone Ferro, Heidi Latsky, Li Chiao-Ping, Debra Loewen, and Dance at Illinois Director Sara Hook are joined by Endalyn Taylor and Dance at Illinois faculty Jennifer Monson and Roxane D’ Orléans Juste for an unforgettable event that includes live music, a claw bathtub, balloons, and the physical, emotional, intellectual, and creative artistry honed over a collective 400 years of experience.

If you believe in the life-affirming experiences that Krannert Center and the performing arts at Illinois make possible, please make a gift: advancement@krannertcenter.illinois.edu, KrannertCenter.com/Give, or faa.illinois.edu/giving.

Event Details

Studio Theatre
Fr Sep 20, 2024 - 7:30pm CT
Sa Sep 21, 2024 - 7:30pm CT

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