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Explore the full spectrum of Krannert Center events and choose experiences to delight you.
From parking to Intermezzo cafe, learn more about what your visit to the Center can include.
View our daily lunch specials or sign up for our weekday lunch emails »
Here you’ll find information about Krannert Center’s history, staff, venues, and more.
Deepen your Krannert Center experience through volunteering, exploring behind the scenes, and other opportunities.
U of I students never pay more than $10 a ticket! »
The impact of the arts is real. The impact of giving is real, too. Krannert Center’s work, empowering the impact of the arts, cannot happen without you.
Now is the time to give so that the future impact of Krannert Center is ensured. Invest in Krannert Center today »
The Krannert Center Prop Shop is temporarily suspending prop rentals.