fbpx John Cameron Mitchell & Amber Martin in Cassette Roulette | Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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John Cameron Mitchell & Amber Martin in Cassette Roulette

Tony Award-winning star of stage and screen John Cameron Mitchell (Joe vs. Carole, Hedwig and the Angry Inch), one of alt-culture’s boldest creators, joins forces with international cabaret star Amber Martin and special guests for an evening of songs, stories, and characters, all chosen by the hand of fate and the "cassette roulette." Backed up by Hedwig's Broadway Music Director, Justin Craig, and band, it’s never the same show twice!

"I have seen hundreds of shows. This was the best cabaret show I've seen by far. It was unscripted, genuine, and pure genius."
Broadway World

Contains adult content.

If you can, show your love for the arts by purchasing an "Advocate" ticket; the additional ticket cost directly benefits Krannert Center.

Event Details

Tryon Festival Theatre
Sa Feb 17, 2024 - 9:30pm CT
Advocate 90 / Standard 50 / SC 45 / STU 15 / UI & YTH 10

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