fbpx Larry Gray, double bass | Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Larry Gray, double bass

Event Details

Foellinger Great Hall
Fr Nov 30, 2018 - 7:30pm
10 / SC Senior citizens: age 65 or over, or retired U of I faculty and staff 7 / STUNon-U of I college students, UI Current, full-time U of I student & YTH Youth: high school and younger 4

Join us for this University of Illinois School of Music faculty recital.

Larry Gray demonstrates an impressive versatility and an uncommon musical curiosity. His primary teachers were Joseph Guastafeste, longtime principal bassist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and cellist Karl Fruh, a highly regarded soloist and teacher.

Guests are invited to join Krannert Center in helping children stay warm this winter. Bring new or gently used coats, mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, and ear muffs for this season's clothing drive. This year, there is a special need for coats for middle school boys in sizes Boy's XL and Men's S, M, and L. All collected items will go to the Champaign Unit 4 School District and Urbana School District 116. Donation boxes will be available in the lobby near Intermezzo cafe.