Our Commitment

June 1, 2020
The staff of Krannert Center and I recognize and respect the pain, frustration, anger, and grief that so many in our community, nation, and world are experiencing in response to the injustices and wrongs resulting from blatant and veiled racism, discrimination, and hatred. These issues are visible in many ways, among them the recent tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, as well as the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our nation's communities of color.
Acknowledging the gravity of this moment, we commit even more strongly and urgently to our core values, presenting and nurturing artists and artistry reflecting our community and our global society and fostering an inclusive place of gathering. While we recognize the continued need for physical distancing, we agonize that we are unable to offer the Center as a place of physical gathering, expression, social discourse, and comfort during this most difficult time.
We will continue our commitment to featuring artists of color and of diverse cultural backgrounds both domestic and global through the digital communications available to us.
And we will continue to strive to strengthen our role as a place of reflection, representation, and hope.
Take good care of one another and stay safe.
Mike Ross
Krannert Center Director