Intermezzo Cafe: Good Food is Worth the Wait

Few things are better before a great performance than a great meal. Krannert Center’s Intermezzo cafe has been serving up delicious delights for many years, making Krannert Center a perfect one-stop cultural destination. We know that the current closure of Intermezzo has put a damper on your taste buds for the summer; here’s the latest update on the re-opening:
We are in process of hiring a new chef and line cook. We’re also training new servers and additional staff to get Intermezzo up and running as fast as possible. This process has gone on a bit longer than we’d hoped, and our re-opening will be delayed a bit longer. But Intermezzo WILL re-open!
To get you through performance-night noshing, our Stage 5 Bar will have bagged snacks (pretzels, popcorn, etc.) as well as cheese plates with a selection of summer sausage and crackers, grapes and Dove chocolates available for purchase every evening there is a live event at Krannert Center.
For all of you who have missed our campus-famous grilled cheese and red pepper gouda soup —and let’s be honest here . . . who hasn’t missed it? — we apologize for the extended delay. Rest assured that we will be serving up culinary creations as soon as possible. We’ll make an announcement via our social media channels and e-newsletter (subscribe here) once Intermezzo is operational again; we look forward to serving you soon.